Yoni Herbs for yoni steaming and tea drinking
Self-Love Herbal Steam 8oz Jar
- Rose Petals- Cleaning
- Lavender- Disinfecting/digestion support
- Cinnamon- Lower blood sugar
- Rosemary- Uterus strength
- Hibiscus Petals- Hydrating
Detox Herbal Steam 8oz Jar
- Nettle Leaf -Blood building
- Dandelion Root- Liver health, blood pressure, fight inflammation
- Bourdock Root- Kill germs, bladder infections
- Lemon Grass- Digestion
- Lavender – Disinfecting
- Basil- Cleansing
Soul Healing Herbal Steam 8oz Jar
- Lemon Grass- Digestion
- Lavender- Disinfecting
- Red Clover- Hydrating
- Rose Petals- Cleaning
- Yarrow- Strengthening
- Parsley- Blood Building
- Basil- Cleanse
Fertility Herbal Steam 8oz Jar
- Chaste Berry - stimulate progesterone
- Cinnamon- boosting libido
- Red Raspberry- help extend the luteal phase
- Yarrow- Good for PCOS
- Red Clover- help promote more, and more fertile, cervical fluid.
- Lavender- Disinfecting/digestion support
- Hibiscus Petals- Hydrating
- Rosemary- Uterus strength